

In the heart of the land lies a huge forest, with ancient trees scattering through the countryside. Inside this forest is a clearing, a place where the rays of the sun can finally illuminate the vegetation below. True this is a beautiful place, but it's not the reason why dogs gather here. This is where loners come to find a pack, and sometimes the shadiest of creatures end up here


This is a large desert, which the military base had been built on. there are hundreds of miles of desert and cactus'. There isn't water easily fou


This is an old RV park, nestled in the national park. There are broken down RV's parked in every inch of this park. The windows are either broken or competely crusted with dirt from years and years of neglect


This old ghost town has been around for more than 100 years. The building are old and rickety. Tumbleweeds scoot across the dirt ground. There is a saloon, a hotel, a sheriffs station and an old stable among other buildings from the 1800s


This was an old indian reservation from the nearby indian community. Now, buildings sit deserted and abandoned. Though this is even said to be haunted, and the rumors are tru

»The Lands Unknown
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